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Taiping Map


Taiping Town's Map


This map is only for personal use and study; any commercial uses are prohibbited.

Map's Legends (left):

[1] Train Station
[2] General Hospital
[3] S.M. King Edward VII
[4] S.R.J.K St. George
[5] Chinese Recreation Club
[6] Trans Asia Pacific
[7] Jabatan Pengangkutan Taiping
[8] Wisma Persekutuan Taiping
[9] Fuliyean Hotel
[10] Telekom
[11] Perak Museum
[12] All Saints Church
[13] Taiping Town Council
[14] Tourist Information Centre (Cafeteria)
[15] Taiping Zoo
[16] Coronation Swimming Pool Taiping
[17] S.M.S Raja Tun Azlan Shah (SERATAS)
[18] Taiping Lake Garden
[19] Furama Hotel
[20] Panorama Hotel
[21] The Store Taiping Supermarket
[22] Lagend Inn
[23] Meridean Hotel


Way to visit:
(Click map below to enlarge)


Above's Map's Legend:

[1] Bukit Jana G & C Club
[2] Kamunting
[3] Kamunting Industrial Estate
[4] Kota Ngah Ibrahim
[5] Metro Arcade
[6] Taiping Town


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